Apr 29Liked by On The Outside, Looking In

Some wise people say that once you commit to something, putting your heart and time into it, you'll gain experience, wisdom, and inner strength. I believe that the side effects of our work are not necessarily meant to always manifest as solid gold in terms of money, recognition, or physical possessions. Invisible hard work is often more fruitful. If people are not open to your art, they're simply not the audience you're looking for. As capitalists and monopolists impact the art market and shape how art and the art business are perceived in society, again, I believe that like-minded people who value authenticity, the story behind the art, and practice over instant profits would love to engage with your art. I think there's nothing wrong with seeking financial stability; there's a massive difference between overspoiling yourself, overconsuming unnecessary goods, and having a good, healthy life and a good relationship with money. I believe every single human being deserves a good, balanced life.

What do you mean by public failure? Do you mean opinions, rejections, preferences? Their perception doesn't determine your worth. From what I've read now, I see that you have a large amount of good things to share with the world. Focus on delivering things to people who are like-minded, not business-oriented critics or moneyed pals. On the other hand, your fear is totally understandable. But again, you must remember that rejection is a message that doesn't necessarily reveal your weaknesses or lack of talent, it simply tells you that it's not the right place for you. Keep posting, keep filming, and keep creating. It was a captivating text, and once I finish running errands, I'll be absolutely stalking your Substack because I really enjoyed what I read. Take care! :3

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I completely agree with you, Alex! There's no point worrying once you've committed to putting yourself out there. But getting to productive indifference is a steep slope, indeed! I'm working on it though! It's really exciting work trying to build a like-minded community—difficult, but so rewarding. And I'm so glad you enjoyed reading this! It means so much to me!!!! Can't wait to hear more of your thoughts!!! Hope you have fun running errands!☺️

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